Membership & volunteering
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Join Arty Farty

Socially committed , Arty Farty campaigns for the renewal of public strategies in the fields of culture, entrepreneurship and democratic practices and believes that greater consideration should be given to culture and young people in the redefining of the European project and the healing of social, territorial and generational divides.
Activist, Arty Farty œuvre pour le renouvellement des stratégies publiques dans le champ de la culture, de l’entrepreneuriat et des pratiques démocratiques, pour une prise en compte renforcée de la culture et de la jeunesse dans la redéfinition du projet européen et la résorption des fractures sociales, territoriales et générationnelles.
Through its events and festivals (Nuits Sonores, European Lab, Intérieur Queer, Casse-croûte, etc.), its cooperation projects, its European networks (Reset! network, We Are Europe, Erasmus+, Sphera network, etc.) and its venues (Hôtel71, Le Sucre, H7, HEAT and Reset), Arty Farty is aiming to create the necessary spaces and share the tools required to ensure the sustainability of new cultural projects in Europe. In doing so, Arty Farty wishes to provide younger generations with the resources they need to carry out their missions and to help everyone respond to the major challenges of our time.
• buying into the values and projects of the association and its partner structures
• being an ambassador for the association's activities
• having the opportunity to volunteer at events (without any obligation)
৹ You will receive an invitation to the Annual General Meeting in February or March
৹ You will be invited to regular meetings and forums throughout the year
৹ You will receive newsletters keeping you up to date with Arty Farty's latest activities
৹ You will sometimes be asked to help us organise events (on a voluntary basis)