Nuits Sonores
28 May - 01 June 2025
Lyon, France

Violent Magic Orchestra (live)

Thursday 29 May
La Sucrière
22:00 — 05:00
Nuit 2

VMO a.k.a. Violent Magic Orchestra is a unique musical and artistic project, blending techno, metal, gabber, hardcore, noise, and contemporary music — a striking encounter between black metal and Kraftwerk. They have had the honor of collaborating with prestigious artists such as Chip King (The Body) and Attila (Mayhem) on their debut album Catastrophic Anonymous, released through Virgin Babylon Records and Throatruiner Records.


Today, they present the latest incarnation of their project DEATH RAVE, where the boundaries between body and mind, reality and imagination dissolve and merge.

  • Throatruiner Records